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Car Shows Now Photo of the Year 2019

In our first year, Car Shows Now, covered about fifty car shows mainly in the Eastern half of the US. I myself snapped thousands of photos and our contributors John Greenfield and Ty Cobb surely just as many. A few weeks back I ask the fellas to search their photos and send in what they thought was the best one they snapped this year and I did the same. This photo submitted by John is the clear winner of this modest title.

This photo was snapped at Beatersville in Louisville, Kentucky and the truck belongs to Mark “Meatball” Portman. We lost Mark, earlier in the year. I personally didn’t know Meatball that well, I would see him at shows and shake his hand, he always had a smile and it was easy to see why he had so many friends. He was a good dude, he was one of us.

From an editorial standpoint, this photo checks all the boxes. It’s a cool truck, with a great stance sitting in front of a great collection of color that only makes the patin of the truck that much better. Add in the sunlight streaming in from the upper left-hand corner and it takes this photo to another level.

One of the lessons I will take from Mark and use this photo as a reminder is that it isn’t the destination, is it? It’s not getting your ride to the show and sitting in a lawn chair, watching folks as they walk by or just walking the entire show shooting pictures of amazing cars. It’s the friends and the conversations and the exchange of knowledge that makes our collective past-time so cool, heck I would even say important.

I hope that Meatball’s friends and family have found peace in his passing, John and Ty thank you for submitting so much cool coverage in 2019.

I look forward to seeing you all in 2020, God Speed.

-Scott Shuffitt